Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tooth Fairy Debacle

I can't believe it! Aurora came home from school yesterday with a lost tooth. She had one of those neat tooth necklaces they give out to store the tooth in.

When she was putting it in her special Tooth Fairy Pillow last night, she asked me how the Tooth Fairy knew she had lost a tooth. I told her I wasn't sure, and that the Tooth Fairy could probably smell teeth.

...What? Give me a break here! I was thinking on my feet.

Lo and behold, the Tooth Fairy didn't show up last night. She completely forgot about my oldest daughter's lost tooth with all the other teething issues going on in this house! (Ellie was incredibly fussy last night. When she finally fell asleep, I was so happy to go up to my bed!)

When Aurora went to check her Tooth Fairy pillow this morning, my stomach dropped. Thinking quickly again, trying to subdue Aurora's disappointment, I said maybe the Tooth Fairy couldn't smell the tooth in the plastic necklace. We're going to try again tonight. I'm pretty sure the Tooth Fairy won't forget this time! In fact, I expect Aurora will receive a Gold Dollar coin.

The ideas that have come about on how to explain the Tooth Fairy's missed appointment have been quite interesting. Aurora's teacher blamed it on the barometric pressure and temperature drop; everyone knows her wings won't work in this weather. Facebook explanations have been as varied as "She had to pawn her wings due to budget cuts", "Baseball season knocks out a lot of teeth", she had "Too many stops last night" and "Allergy season". You are all so creative!

What's the best explanation your parents gave you when you were growing up?

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