Monday, July 8, 2013

Summer Break, Day 31: Who's gonna make me?

It is time to entice the inhabitants to change into their Martial Arts uniforms.  Mutiny is upon us.  The oldest resident desperately wishes to attend her training.  The middle resident, however, wishes to wreak havoc in a minute-by-minute fashion.  *sigh*  Off we go!

Update:  The oldest inhabitant changed her mind, saying she would rather stay home.  Looking at her with my mutiny-reducing stare, I informed her she was going anyway.  With a level gaze, she asked, "Who's gonna make me?"  I darkened my stare, her eyebrows lifted and her mouth began to speak, "You know, on second thought, I really DO want to go today!"

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Summer Break, Day 26

Our male inhabitant requires an extensive amount of supervision. He is constantly climbing up on furniture in completely inappropriate ways. One example of such behavior is the toddler's bed. It is a "Snooze 'N Cruise" molded plastic bed from many many years ago (see photo). Our resident loves to jump off the top, slide down the sides, crawl up through the sunroof, and literally just make a monkey of himself on this bed.

I cannot begin to number the ways I have told this masculine member of our family to stay off the bed completely! Catching him upon the bed once again today, I decided to give him a good talking-to and remove privileges. During this conversation, he blurted out "You're not the boss of me!" He regretted it immediately, I tell you, dear reader! I explained that, as his Co-Creator--the one who carried him for 9 months, had miserable morning sickness and was in labor with him for 12 hours--I was most certainly the boss of him. I then dared him to test me further!

Thus far, said male resident in question has not tested me further.  Mutiny was dispelled this afternoon, but the inhabitants may yet rally. After all, at only 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the day is still young!