Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ryan's Book, Funny of the Day

Ryan has become quite a good reader over the past year.  In fact, he even writes his own books.  Just tonight, I ran across his newest masterpiece, "How to be a Vet" by Ryan.  Lately, Ryan has been expressing his desire to become a veterinarian.  I have told him there is a lot of school involved and he is definitely smart enough to do well in school.  He says he wants to get good grades so he can get into "Vet school".  I'm not really sure where he learned about "Vet school", but I'm so grateful he has!  He is really passionate about this!

How to be a Vet, by Ryan

To be a Vet, you have to take care of pet's.

The End.

I'll tell you what, when this thing comes out in print, I'm buying a dozen copies!  New York Times Best Sellers List, here he comes!