Ryan lost his first tooth!!!!!!! I found out last week that his tooth was really, REALLY loose; he hadn't even noticed it was loose yet, typical boy. I was so excited that I took tons of photos on my phone. Of course, my phone camera is horrible, looks great only on my phone and won't print out good pictures. It doesn't really matter, though. The most important picture is the one above: The missing tooth picture!
He lost it last night after we brushed his teeth. Ryan has a tendency to lose track of what he's supposed to be doing and we were already late for bed, so I took the initiative to brush his teeth for him (I try to do that once every few days, just to be sure his teeth get a good cleaning every once in a while). Of course, I got toothpaste all around his mouth and it freaks him out when this happens. Instead of letting him wipe his mouth off on the hand towel next to the sink (gross!), I like to have him lean his head over the sink so I can rinse his face off. While I was rinsing his mouth, I heard a faint *clink*. I looked in the sink--where the water was running at full blast!!!--and saw his little bitty tooth! I acted as fast as I could and caught it just before it could go down the drain! Yay, Mommy! Ryan screamed when he saw that the gap in his mouth was bleeding and we quickly put a paper towel up to stop the blood (and the screaming).
After Aurora's Tooth Fairy Debacle, we made sure that the tooth was in a proper place for the Tooth Fairy to visit Ryan. She did her job and he woke up to a shiny Gold Dollar this morning, happy as a clam and excited, to boot!
Sassy and Ellie are starting to notice each other quite a bit more. Ellie wants to play with her, but Sassy is skeptical. She doesn't always run, but most of the time she does. This picture was one of the rare moments that Sassy took an interest in Ellie.
Ellie has been teething. I think her top teeth are coming in--at least I hope they come in soon! We haven't been sleeping well at night, she's been fussy and drooling like crazy. One of the results of the drooling has been a terrible diaper rash. At first, it was just a little bit red. Usually when this happens, I put some Desitin on it and the next day it's gone. When this didn't happen, I became concerned--not like "Oh, my gosh, she could DIE from this" concerned, but when I saw it was blistered and bleeding, it was enough to take some more drastic measures. I certainly wouldn't want MY butt to look or feel like that; I'm not going to make her have to live with it! With each diaper change, I was becoming more upset that the butt cream wasn't enough. So, I sprayed some Fantastic in my kitchen sink, wiped it, sprayed again, wiped it, and sprayed it again. I guess you could say my kitchen sink was clean by this point ;) To make a long story short, Ellie has gotten a sink bath every couple of diaper changes. Her diaper rash is still there, for now, but it's not bleeding anymore. As you can see from the photo above (and please excuse the clutter surrounding the sink), she loves her sink baths. It's just the right size for her and she can sit up on her own in there. We may make these sink baths part of our usual routine!
Chloe loves her sink baths we do them all the time because my moms tub is a tall tub and hurts my back to give the kids baths....but the big kids can do most the work themselves or I make them stand up.