Saturday, April 16, 2011


It's been an interesting couple of weeks, and yet, nothing overly exciting has happened. This, however, is a good thing in my house! Usually when the exciting things happen they are either expensive or tragic. So, I'm grateful for the hum-drum times we have been going through recently. (I sure hope I didn't just jinx myself by placing that in writing!)

Let's see? The fence guys finally came and finished the fence. Sassy had escaped one of the days that the fence was down. That was fun. I love chasing a dog through a neighborhood with a little baby in tow.

Aurora got to be Little Miss Muffett for her school play this year. She absolutely loved it. We weren't able to see the play yet, since the evening performance was cancelled due to inclement weather (read: Tornadic Storms).

Our dear friend, Leila Wade is quite the amazing seamstress. She made this dress and apron and a mop cap, as well. I don't even think it took her a week to finish. Did I mention that she's awesome? Would it make you think she's even more than awesome if I mentioned she has a husband in the Army Reserves, a teenage daughter who is graduating from high school this year (it's prom season, btw), a teenage son in band, and a 3 year old daughter? Yup. Awesome. I have 3 kids who aren't even in any activities at school and I find it hard to clean my kitchen! This woman made a dress and kept her family fed in the midst of all that! Whew! You're awesome, Leila! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Ryan has started to read more and more. Aurora held something up just last night at dinner and he read it as she was waving it around. He's still quite the stinker. He made a horrific mess in the bathroom with soap the other day and tried to convince me that it wasn't him. My favorite excuse "Maybe it was the dogs." It was so hard to keep a straight face. He did, eventually, own up to it, but it took about 20 minutes and various scapegoats to get a confession. And, yes, only my son Ryan could make a "mess" with SOAP!!! I mean, come on!

Elliana is growing like a weed. I go to her 4mo appointment on May 2nd and I wouldn't be too surprised if she's weighing in at 20 lbs. already! She's such a chunk! So much is changing with her. She learns a new thing every day we wake up. She's smiling and giggling (still not quite a laugh yet). Her hands are becoming more and more useful to her, almost. She still bonks herself in the face every now and again. When she gets excited about something, her hands will just start flailing and she will smack her face really hard--you can actually hear the thud!--and look at me as if to say "What just happened?" She's getting better at controlling her hands, though.

In fact, just today I brought out the Exersaucer to entertain her. She has almost outgrown her swing and we need a stationary place for her that the dogs can't trample on, so I thought "What the heck?" She loved it! I've never seen her concentrate so hard. I took a 1 minute video of her first few moments. Click the link below if you want to. Nothing incredibly exciting happens, but I'm a mom and I think my baby is cuter than cute. You should, too!

What else? Not much. I have to find a way to bring some money into this household. I've decided to do 2 different things: Clean houses (does your house need cleaning? My rates are incredibly reasonable.) and make various baby items to sell. Leila introduced the Carseat Canopy to me and I'm going to look at making a few other items, as well. Hopefully, ebay can help with the sale of those items. We've talked about doing craft shows in the area, but that costs money and it's such a risk.

So, I'm still in the planning stages. No idea what God has in store. Whatever I do, I have to bring a baby with me. In the summer, there will be all 3 kids to consider. *sigh* God will provide for all our needs. It's not the needs that I'm concerned about; it's the wants that I don't want to give up.

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