I like to think that I have good fashion sense--now, that is. I mean, I was teased a lot in middle school because I felt like I had to wear all the same color. It didn't have to be all the same shade, but just so long as my shoes, socks, pants and shirt could all be categorized "purple", I thought I was matching. My classmates used to call me "Clash" because of it. I guess that gene was passed on and multiplied in my children. What my middle school classmates can't see now is how eclectic my children are. Where I was monochromatic, my children love to mix genres--a la "Ugly Betty" style! Not that long ago, Aurora came out wearing the most hideous outfit I'd ever seen. Each individual piece of this outfit is fine, however, the conglomerate result was, well... Take a look!

That is a Santa and Reindeer Christmas sweater, a 60's print sundress underneath, her Dora the Explorer khaki pants, and neon orange socks. Yup. She thought that by putting a pony tail in her hair, she would look "sophisticated". When I told her that a pony tail wasn't going to help her outfit look better, she gave me this look--just as I was taking the photo!
Ryan got the gene, too! Just today I pulled out his shorts from last season. He desperately wanted to wear his kelly green basketball style shorts to church tonight. I put the brakes on that thought REAL quick! Trying to make sure my son looked semi-decent, I suggested a nice pair of khaki shorts to wear with a short-sleeved polo shirt. He was having none of that! Oh, no! He reconnected with his dinosaur outfit and insisted on wearing it. The results? Well, again, you'll see...
I had no idea that cowboys ran into dinosaurs out on the range... Did you? To further this atrocity, Ryan spilled BBQ sauce on his black and red shorts during dinner. When he changed, he put on a pair of chocolate brown shorts with his red and black dinosaur shirt and black boots. I'm not going to torture you with that image; you're going to have to conjure that one up all by your lonesome.
Yes, ladies and gents, I have screwed my children's fashion sense all up. It all began with a homely little girl and her lavender KEDS in middle school.
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