Friday, June 14, 2013

Hello, again

I cannot believe I have neglected this blog since October of last year!  I had so many intentions of updating it when we moved into our new house in November.  We did get the house from my last post and have fully enjoyed living here

The girls are sharing a room together.  I was concerned about how that would go, since Aurora is 8 years older than Ellie.  It's actually going quite well.  We send Ellie to bed first, then remind Aurora to go back to bed in absolute silence, so as not to wake the little one.  Ryan is fortunate that he gets his own room.  It's much smaller than the one in Tulsa (all our rooms are, even though the house is 1400 sq ft; our house in Tulsa was 2400).  My theory was: Smaller room, smaller mess.  That theory may have been true, but it never actually LOOKS true.  His room is just such a mess.  An enter-at-your-own-risk mess, with Lego and Squinkie boobie traps everywhere!  He loves it that way and cleans the mess well enough on his own when I tell him I need to vacuum his room.  That's good enough for me.  Aurora has been doing an amazing job keeping her room clean, too.  It's almost like this parenting thing is finally starting to work.  And, then I step into the playroom...

But I digress...

We switched the kids to a new school in January and had some issues with the new school, at first.  The culture was different and quite shocking to the kids.  Having lived in Oklahoma their entire academic life, going to school with anything less than a 98% Caucasian population would be a shock to anyone.  They have adjusted by now and are excited to start school again this fall so they can go see their friends.

Currently, we are on summer break.  Ellie had a difficult time the first couple days the kids were home.  She felt like she needed to defend her territory from them.  Once she figured out that she could play WITH them, she was more pleasant towards them.  The kids have been playing well together--for the most part--but we are only on week 1.

Last night, storms blew in fast and furious.  We have a tree down in our front yard.  Today begins Rob's first vacation of the summer.  He went out to the shed to start up our incredibly old, unreliable chain saw.  Of course, it wouldn't start.  To purchase a  new one is over $100; to rent one for the day is $100.  Explain that logic to me...?

To top off our fun day, Rob replaced a part in our vehicle which we were sure was causing a problem.  After replacing said part, the car behaved the exact same way.  So, now we must go back to the drawing board and figure out why Ol' Busty Blue is giving us fits.  Could it be because she has over 192,000 miles, is a 2002 and runs a family of 5 around the country on demand?  Poor Busty.  She's so abused.  I hate the thought of purchasing a newer vehicle.  With 3 kids and a dog, the interior of any vehicle becomes ruined rather quickly.  My automobile life kinda looks like Mom My Ride.  Thank God for Febreze.  Just last week, I almost gagged when I got into my car.  Someone had spilled their milk on the floor and the interior smelled like stale, spoiled milk.  There is nothing on earth quite like that smell.  I used half a bottle of the fabric refresher in order to get rid of the smell.

In the meantime, Rob is much more concerned about getting that tree cleared from our yard.  A neighbor has loaned him an electric chain saw and he is working on it as I type this.  So far, our summer break has been quite eventful.  I have been putting some wacky updates on facebook about our daily events, calling my children the "inhabitants", "residents" or "restless natives".  Rob and I, as Co-Creators of these 3 children are attempting to avoid the summer mutiny that these 3 children inevitably commit.  Someone on facebook said I should start a blog.  I thought, "Well, I already have a blog!  I should get back to it and post there!"  So, there you have it.

We don't do fancy things during the summer like a lot of people do.  My kids, like me, are home bodies.  They like to stay home, have pajama days and eat breakfast for dinner.  We don't get to do that very much during the school year, so we do it as much as we want to in the summer.  Let's see what kinds of trouble we can get into this summer here in the confines of the Rose Household.

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