Saturday, December 17, 2011

Birthday Mayhem

Today was Ryan's 6th Birthday Party.  It was spectacular!

Apparently, the last full Saturday before Christmas is a GREAT time to have a party where lunch is served.  Moms were more than happy to bring their kids with gifts in tow and drop them off for 2 hours while they got those last-minute Christmas items.  We had such a great attendance, I think I might plan his party on the same Saturday next year.  Last year, we only had 2 kids come from his class.  This year, he had BOTH of his best buddies from school!  He was stoked!

We started off expecting only 8 kids, but had to change our plans when moms kept sending us their RSVP.  By the morning of the party, we expected 12 kids.  When you include our 3 kids, that means we had 15 kids in this house!  I've never been more glad for the square footage of this house than I was today!  It didn't feel overwhelming for a single minute.  Ok, maybe for a minute...  But, the kids were all well-behaved, played nice together and had a blast!  We only did one craft, one game and of course all the actual party activities (lunch, cake, presents).  The rest of the time, we filled up with free play.

I do have to mention, however:  Of the 12 kids in attendance, 5 of them were girls--at a Captain America themed birthday party!!!  I became even more suspicious when Ryan opened his presents and 2 of the girls wrote "I like you" in their cards to him....  I think we may be raising a little stud.  And, he may already be caught in a love triangle!  Oh, those sweet Kindergarten romances.

We turned this....
...Into THIS!!!

Our craft was a small red frisbee that we turned into Captain America shields (see above).  The kids just thought those were the best things ever and spent the majority of their free play using their shields against each other.  As far as I know, nothing is broken as a result of those little frisbees.


At the end of the afternoon, the kids were enjoying Ryan's birthday loot together.

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