We took Rob to the airport on Thursday afternoon. Only a few tears were shed. The days kind of ran into each other, but I'm trying to do my best to remember.
************Public Service Announcement***************
I did not post on here or on facebook about Rob's trip while he was gone. I would like to take a moment, as a woman who has previously been stalked, to warn the dangers of letting people know too much about your life. Please don't let the internet know when you are home alone. Please do not use that check-in feature on your phone or social media device if you are anywhere alone. Please, use your common sense. Even if your facebook settings are set to a very secure setting, you are not truly secure online--ever!
Ok, now that's out of the way...
Friday went smoothly and the kids played really well together. Somebody was praying really hard for us. Not that my kids are hateful little you-know-whats, but they have a tendency to bicker like--well, like brother and sister, I guess.
Saturday, we went to a Lowe's Build & Grow clinic. The kids absolutely loved that! They felt so big with their hammers and nails. It was so adorable, I couldn't help but snap a photo.
We [barely] made it to church on Sunday. I tried to do both my hair and makeup. Since Ellie was born, the people at church only see me with either one or the other done up. This week, it was my make up. I may be too busy to notice that I miss Rob when he's gone, but apparently my slumber patterns notice. The bags under my eyes desperately needed cover-up.
It didn't help that Rob sent me THIS photo:
Yeah, not nice! He also mentioned how well he was eating. While he was out eating all sorts of high quality food, I ate 11 left-over sloppy joes while he was gone. Eleven!!! That's lunch and dinner every day, people!!! If I never see another sloppy joe in my life, it will be too soon!
I must say that it is kind of amusing that Rob came home with a sunburn. That's what you get for teasing this girl! God does really have quite a sense of humor.
We really didn't do a whole lot while he was gone; just a few projects around the house. The kids were pretty content with the things we did; painting, family movie nights, dog washing, bug killing, My Little Pony hair-braiding contests... You know, normal stuff. ;)
On Monday night, the kids tried to have a "Slumber Party" in Aurora's room. They were having a blast, hooting and hollering and playing board games. Around 10:30 p.m., Ryan came out and said Aurora was "bothering him" and that he would like to go to his own room. Hiding the smile that came to my lips, I told him he was welcome to go sleep in his own bed for the night. Within minutes, both kids were asleep. Hmmmm... I thought to myself, "I should let them do this more often during the summer. They're not bothering me and they're wearing themselves out."
That thought went completely out the window the following morning. Both kids were awake at 7:30 a.m. And, they were C-R-A-N-K-Y!!! *slaps forehead*
Tuesday was rough. The kids knew Rob was coming home that night and they were too excited to do anything. I did, eventually, get them to help me straighten up the house. It took vacuuming up a few items from their floors (which, btw, means that the vacuum's hose is now clogged with tiny toys and papers... Aaargh!) in order for them to actually clean their rooms!
There were storms forecast for the evening hours--the exact evening hours that Rob's flight was scheduled for arrival. Which meant that his flight was delayed. Which meant that the kids had to stay up even later. Which meant that they were going to be cranky again the following morning. But it was all worth it when they saw him in the airport. It was like watching those commercials when the soldiers come home. (Only, of course, Rob wasn't a soldier.) The kids ran to him and he picked them both up in his arms. A little melodramatic--to me, the military brat, for a week's worth of absence--but this is my family. I smiled and was so grateful for the scene that just played out. It fit us.
So, Rob is home now. Life is as it should be. I am hoping Rob gets a chance to go to the SBC in 2012. The city of destination? New Orleans!!! Oh, yeah! We will be going with him to that one!
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