We have been snowed-in for a couple days now. Ellie has been getting increasingly fussy as the days wear on and I decided yesterday that I needed a sling. With the roads being completely useless, I am not able to go out and purchase one. Being the resourceful woman that I am, I started to look around the house for a remnant of fabric that would be long enough to make a sling out of. Wouldn't you know it--I had no remnants of fabric. After all, I don't sew.
Then, I remembered that I had something even better--twin sized sheets!!! Surely a top sheet was long enough. I could tie a square knot in it and sling it over my shoulder. It'll do, right?
Sure enough, it was perfect! I didn't have to cut or sew anything and no other materials were necessary. It'll do, for now.
Baby seems to like it and I was able to get a few loads of laundry done today--using BOTH hands! What a concept!
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