Monday, January 10, 2011

Elliana Noel Rose--December 30th 2010

Well, folks, it FINALLY happened! That's right. I gave birth. Phew! Now, we can scratch that one off the list and get our tax break, to boot!

Just kidding! It's not all about the tax break. It's now all about our beautiful baby girl! And, she is just fascinating! After our 2 miscarriages in a row, we are not taking one thing for granted with this little one. The older 2 kids are more precious to us now, as well.

So, here's the story:

I went to the OB on December 22nd and had an ultrasound to measure the baby. I was 37 weeks at the time. He measured me and the baby and decided that she was growing big. I had been begging my OB to induce me at 38 weeks because I was just sure that if he let me go full-term that I would have a 10 lbs. baby. After measuring the baby at 7.5 lbs (according to his machines--I thought she was already 8 lbs.), he agreed that she needed to come out soon. When he mentioned her induction date would be in December, I told him I could kiss him! That meant that I only had 8 more days of being pregnant! I was beside myself with pure joy! I was going to meet my baby girl in 8 days!!! That was a heck of a lot better than the 19-20 days I was counting down.

Christmas came and went. The kids kept asking when the baby was coming. I gotta be honest, I was trying everything in my own power to will this child out of my body. To no avail. The Braxton-Hicks contractions kept coming regularly, but never progressed beyond annoying. I took bath after bath, trying to relax my body into labor. There were a few other tricks I tried, but none of them worked.

Ryan's birthday came and went. I was grateful that she didn't come on his birthday. He's already going to be the middle child and I didn't want him to have to share his actual birth date with his little sister. I hobbled through that day quite well. And, I was hobbling and waddling quite a lot by this point!

FINALLY, December 30th arrived. I had been having regular contractions every 3-4 minutes the night before, but since I was scheduled for an induction at 5:30 a.m. and we had childcare lined up for that, I just ignored them (as best I could) and waited to go to the hospital. After all, my water hadn't broken and they weren't hurting yet. Sure enough, when they hooked me up to the machines at the hospital, I was registering regular contractions and was asked by the nurses why I didn't come sooner. *sigh* Trust me, I wanted to!!! They started me on pitocin immediately and my contractions started getting stronger, longer, and closer together--rather quickly, I might add. Quick enough that I was asking for an epidural shortly afterward.

At about 8 a.m., my OB strolled into our room and asked me how I was doing. I had my epidural and couldn't feel a thing anymore, so I was doing great! He broke my water and left to attend his other patients.

Around noon, I was told I was at 6 cm and it wouldn't be long now. I took a nap. I woke up from my nap to be checked again. 9 cm. That was around 1:30 p.m. Sweet!!!

About an hour later, the doctor came in again and told me his other patient was having a tough time pushing. He said something to the effect of "Let's try a push and see where you're at." Famous last words. I warned the nurses that I was told I was a "good pusher" with my other deliveries. So, I gave a push. The doc started laughing and said he'd be right back. Apparently, my one push was enough to start delivering my baby!

He suited up and came back in. I gave one more good push and the baby was O-U-T!!! And she was on my chest and I was holding her and it was GLORIOUS! She wasn't crying yet and it took a few minutes and a couple nurses to get her crying, but she was healthy and beautiful and BIG! 8 lbs., 8 oz. and 20.5 inches long. Yessireebob, we make big babies.

We've been home now for just over a week and our baby girl is already growing bigger. She's the sweetest little thing. Ellie's just about the most content baby I've ever seen. She rarely cries, except when she's pooping--which she does more often than I think necessary!!!

Today, January 10th, was my due date. I now hold an 11 day old baby in my arms and am so grateful to God for His many blessings on our lives. It's been quite a journey to get here. We've learned many things over the past 2 years, some good lessons, some painful lessons, but in all I'd say it's been worth it. So worth it.

Elliana Noel Rose
b. December 30th 2010
3:09 p.m.
8 lbs. 8 oz., 20.5 in.

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