I've only got 3 more days left of this pregnancy. On Thursday, at 5:30 a.m., Rob and I are to arrive at the hospital for my scheduled induction! At my appointment this past week, I was measured and baby was measured and my OB was finally in agreement that I should be induced. He measured the baby at 7.5 lbs. I think she's already beyond 8 lbs, but what do I know? I'm just the one carrying her around. My goal is to avoid another 9 lbs baby. Because of the way babies gain weight in the last month of pregnancy, if this baby is 7.5 lbs at 37 weeks, she would be a 10 lbs baby if I went over my due date!!! I'm not birthing a 10 lbs baby!
I have been having contractions since about 33 weeks. They are not getting "stronger, longer and closer together", so it's not really something that I could go to Labor & Delivery about just yet. They would send me home until my contractions are closer together. It's not false labor, either, since the contractions have a definite pattern. They are every 9-15 minutes apart and some of them hurt like a champ!
It's ok, though, because it has been making me dilate and efface and that's what a woman who is about to have a baby wants to hear! I have been induced with all my pregnancies and think it would be lovely to go into labor on my own, but I don't see that happening here. My body just doesn't know how to get beyond this Latent Labor, otherwise known as Prodromal Labor (real labor that doesn't progress).
In the meantime, it is 4:45 a.m. and I am up with these contractions, along with all the other late-pregnancy discomforts. I'm tired, restless, I'm feeling very awkward and heavy, and I can't wait to hold this baby in my arms.
Mostly because it will mean that she will no longer be a part of my body!!!
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