I wore the long-sleeved black shirt to work on Friday as my "costume" for Halloween. Whatever works, right?
As I was getting the kids ready for school yesterday, they were just fascinated with the feet on my belly. I guess they had never really thought about there being feet in there. Both kids were really excited at the prospect that there was an actual body living inside of me!!! I saw Ryan's eyes light up and he started to talk to the baby. Aurora was just hanging back watching him, taking it all in. I thought my heart was going to melt--and then Ryan did something that made me just want to freeze the moment in time: He began to sing to the baby! Now, mind you, he's 4 and his lyrics are a little different than most people's.
Hush little baby, don't say a word
Daddy's gonna buy you a 'knocking bird'
If that 'knocking bird' won't sing
Daddy's gonna buy you a diamond ring
If that diamond ring gets fast
Daddy's gonna buy you a 'nooking mask'
If that 'nooking mask' gets broke
Daddy's gonna buy you a billy goat
If that billy goat runs away
Daddy's gonna buy you another day!
The baby was kicking and squirming ever so slightly while he was singing to her. Aurora saw this and when Ryan was finished with his song, she asked to sing her song to the baby. Of course, I said yes! She sang "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" to the baby and lulled her back off to sleep, I guess, because I didn't feel any more kicks for a while. Aurora's song was sung beautifully. She was so proud of herself because she was remembering back to when we brought Ryan home after he was born. She sang "Twinkle, Twinkle" to him the first time she held him and she just can't wait to do the same thing for this baby. Aurora has an amazing knack for singing and she got all the lyrics correct.
Singing to the baby must have really stuck with Ryan. When he woke up this morning, he asked to sing another song to baby Ellie. I smiled and said yes, waiting for him to start singing. His lyrics to "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep" went like this:
Baa, baa, black sheep have you any roar
Yes, sir, Yes, sir, 3 bags wolf
One for the master
One for the dame
One for the wolf *mumbles lyrics* DAME!
Baa, baa, black sheep have you any roar
Yes, sir, Yes sir, 3 bags wolf!
It was all I could do to keep from laughing! The mind of a child fascinates me. To him, all these nonsensical lyrics are perfectly legitimate for his song. They kind of rhyme and they fit into the tempo, so what more do we need? I love it!
Ryan, you can sing to baby Ellie whenever you want!